Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My soul's in my smile, don't frown just get up get up

It's almost 2010 and I have so many reasons to smile. God saw fit to let me kick it on this earth another year and he kept my mom and dad here too :) He gave me the idea and he showed me how to believe in myself and make it happen.

The final proof gets here on Jan 4 and the copies will be delivered to my parents' house on Jan 12. Very very very excite!!!!!

I've been listening to my fav group, N.E.R.D. and the title of this blog is a lyric from "Wonderful Place" It's a nice little quiet joint on their second album Fly or Die. I used to think Fly or Die was my 3rd fav album but it really cranks from start to finish. I listened to it 3 times in a row earlier today.

I'm on my way to New York to kick it with my best friend for the New Year. I'm so behind the times. I didn't know that the buses offered free Wi-Fi now. I'm typing this blog as I ride...lolol I know I shouldn't be this hype but they really have free Wi-Fi and my round trip ticket was only $46..

Another weird thing... as much as I talk about leaving the DMV, I don't know if it will happen. I'm only halfway through this trip and I miss PG County already.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Snow Has Hampered the Printing but it's alllllll good

Was supposed to go to the printer on Monday but 20 inches of snow put everything on hold!!! God has really worked on my patience because there was a time when I wuold be panicking. But hey man, what's a few more days.

I finished working on that cartoon :) I think it's pretty dope but we shall see once it reaches the masses.

I'm currently working on the website copy for Transcend. and want to finish that up by tomorrow. After that I will be helping my biz partner with our business plan. We are very excited and ready to take the DMV by storm in 2010!

I'm going to New York for New Year's :) I'm very excited to see my best friend and his folks and chill really hard.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"There's no crying in baseball..."

I wish Tom Hanks would come thru and deliver that classic line and ammend it to "There's no crying in self-publishing."

The last few weeks I've been crying tears of joy but over this last week, anxiety has reared her ugly head and decided to get nice and cozy. I've been trying to brush it off like and act like I'm cool but I'm really not. I got sick as hell this morning and was heaving all over the place. Sidenote: I almost wish I was preggers so the throwing up would make sense.

Then later today, I had to go to the bathroom so I could cry. I had a nice long conversation with myself and God and I'm working it out. My nerves are just getting the best of me. There's is no reason for me to be upset. I'm about to self publish my first book and that is a blessing. I have been so strong this year and so committed and I believed and claimed it all year, so why the nerves now?

I'm not worried about being a success. That is out of my hands and I'm not trippin off of it forreal. My editor and I were talking about J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter series earlier. I told her that I'm not even trying to be mega successful like her $$ wise. I just want to create an experience for people like she did with Harry Potter. I just want people to read my book and identify with it. She believes I will be a worldwide success and I claimed it with her for a few minutes. Man I love her so much.

I am not going to be sad today. I claim it. I am speaking my happiness into existence. I am going to go home, work on this cartoon and watch the second season of The Boondocks and laugh until my sides hurt :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

6 Days Until I go to the printer!

I wish I could really describe how I feel but there aren't enough words. I am B-L-E-S-S-E-D! God has worked wonders in my life. I am such a better person because of this whole process. I thank God for opening my eyes and helping me understand that the only person that limits my dreams is ME. I put it on everything I will never doubt myself again!

This past weekend, the next to last round of edits took place. BIGGEST SHOUTOUT EVER to Tan, Erin, Jamal, and Vince for taking chapters of the book and giving them an edit. I love them so much I swear. All of the edits were done on paper. Once I collected the edits my friends did for me, I transcribed those edits onto another printed out version. I turned everything into my designer (lol she kindly informed me that I should call her a designer not a typesetter) this morning. She will have my cover done tomorrow and an updated typeset version for me on Wednesday.

I am waiting for the printer to get back to me with a revised, cheaper quote. I thought by book was gonna be 272 pages but it's actually 206 :) They are going to send a truck to pick up the hard copy version on Monday and then I will have the books in hand January 7th.

And my website is live. SHOUTOUT to Ms. Tiffany Carter! Not only did she do an amazing job on the site, we are actually good friends now. I just love it when I make a new friend :)

I'm finishing the last cartoon episode this week and then it's on to writing the copy for Transcend. 's website.

Forever speaking it into existence,


My life according to........N.E.R.D.

So I saw this in one of those notes on facebook. I was going to post it there but I think here is more appropriate. Been feelin kind of all over the place lately and whenever that happens I always turn on one of my classic N.E.R.D. tunes. N.E.R.D. is my absolute favorite group hands down!

Pick an artist and clearly answer the following questions using nothing but SONG TITLES. After completing tag 5 other ppl.

1. Pick your artist: N.E.R.D.

2. Male or female: Bobby James or Mildred

3. Describe where you live: She Wants to Move

4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Run to the Sun (and never come back)

5. Favorite form of transportation? Chariot of Fire

6. Best friend? Wonderful Place (as in he is my wonderful/happy place. i allllllllll love him)

7. Whats the weather like? Kill Joy

8. Favorite time of the day? Breakout (dawn)

9. If your life was a tv show what would it be called? Provider

10. Describe life to you? Things Are Getting Better

11. Describe yourself? Rock Star

12. Relationship? Backseat Love

13. Your personal fear? Sooner or Later (it all comes crashing down)

14. Thought of the day? Am I High

15. Soul's present condition? Find My Way

16. Motto? Time for Some Action

Friday, December 11, 2009

The typset version is so effin sexy!

El libro is typeset!!!!! It looks so fucking good (excuse the language but it's the truth!!!) and I swear my typesetter is the She hooked it up in 4 days :) My covers are going to be done on Monday so I'm very excite about that too.

There was one snag...apparently Tempus Sans ITC is a "system font." Apparently system fonts don't always align with Adobe so my typesetter is gonna work it out. I used this font throughout the book and it was the original font for all of the text on the covers. I was a little blown about it at first but hey, it is not that damn serious. I will find another font and get my book out there.

I talked to my mom this morning and we screamed for a good two minutes. Man it is so critical to have a supportive family and my mom has been there every step of the way. My daddy is hype too and can't wait to start slangin books.

Honestly, I am in awe of everything that has happened with this project this year. I will never, ever, EVER doubt myself again. I claimed this would happen everyday for a year and God worked it out. I am so grateful for my blessings.

I will be in the house all weekend editing and shoutout to Tan, E.L., Jamal, and Vince for signing up to help out with last minute edits!

It's about to happen!!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009


So... it's been a while since I've had the time to blog. I've actually been pretty depressed these last 2 weeks. I know it's directly related to my random ass personal life but I also figured out that it is related to my book as well. For the last 4 months, I had to edit in some form. Now, I don't have anything to edit and I don't know what to do with myself lol.

Actually I've been keeping busy with my sisters' project. I'm writing a very dope cartoon (sorry I can't give out any details it's top secret). My sisters have been very very patient with me and now that I have a break, I'm trying to finish the last episode asap.

Today is a milestone for me. My typeset final version of the book is set to go off to the printer on 12/21/09. It will take them 7-10 business days to print my baby and then it will be ready for the world!!!

I am very excited and emotional (as usual lol). I really thank God for working on me this year. I will never doubt myself again. Anything is possible and I am speaking everything I want into existence from now on :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blower that I'm gonna be successful and the planet is burning

Ok it is the middle of effing November and it's been between 60 and 65 degrees all week. Ummm why don't I have out my thick winter coat yet???


People keep trying to brush that shit under the rug like it's nothing. Like it's a myth. WTF.

Really irritates me that the decision makers in this country are completely tied into corporate interests. Congress irritates me too. Republicans AND Democrats. I see why the Independents are building up steam.  All I know is that I'm gonna be pissed when I am finally uber successful and the world is on 2012 status.

Much Love to My New York Fam

Soooo I was editing my book about 2 weeks ago and came across a portion where the main character (Mia) is teaching another character (Mikey) about the slang we use in the Metro area. In the midst of the dialogue, Mikey says something like "yeah son" and Mia replies "we don't say that bamma ass shit down here."

I kept thinking about it and decided to blog about it just in case people try to give me the side eye in the future.

1. I love New Yorkers. I think they have a bangin accent and the men are sooooooooooo sexy! Yum!


2. I actually say son all the time, as in "whaddup son" Lol my girl E.L. always says "whaddup son don dizzle." It is the most random ish ever but I swear I crack up laughing every time she says it.

3. It's fiction.

Hope this will suffice if anyone is angry. If not, beat it son!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Synopsis Struggle

I never realized how hard it was to write a freakin' synopsis. It's serious business (lol in the Mr. John voice-shoutout to my calculus teacher at Suitland High).

It's what pulls people in you know? I need it to be on point, so people will read it and be like "damn let me read this cause I gotta know what happens next." The cover is already gonna entrance folks (shoutout to A.T. Yancey the tightest artist I know) and the playlists I include in the book are gonna pull people too. I've never seen anyone with playlists like mine in a novel. On top of that, I'm creating all the playlists on so people can actually hear the music I mention...

Sorry to toot my own horn but that last idea is incredible. Music with a book? Classic in the making :) People are gonna try to duplicate but their shit will never be as tight as mine. My daddy used to be a DJ so the music is in my veins.

On top of that I touch on 2 social issues- obesity and the recession. People damn sure identify with that- half of this country is obese and the recession is on everyone's mind...eff the mind, that thang is raping pockets and snatching liveliehoods left and right. Finally I add crazy gore and violence, plenty of drama (I grew up watching Lifetime with my mom EVERY Saturday), and some comedy because I am silly as hell.

There's so much going on that it's impossible for me to write the synopsis. That thing will be 8 pages lol. People ask me all the time what my novel is about and I've learned to give them the quick "it's about a struggling singer, forced to work for a serial killer. It's set in the Metro area. I put playlists in the book, go make an account on so you can listen."

It is now complete...


Mia Nickole Rose is a beautiful, full-figured, witty, aspiring songstress who feels “stuck” in her average, ordinary life. As a struggling artist in Washington D.C.’s metropolitan area, desperate to make ends meet, Mia gets caught up in the game when she is invited to a party that she will never forget. She is offered an ultimatum and, in exchange for her life, she takes on a job working for a serial killer hell bent on vengeance. Mia's struggles with her weight/self-esteem and finances become minute, while she focuses to stay alive, sane and unharmed.

Mia's average life horrifyingly spirals out of control deep into a world of insanity and murder. Her new "employer" will stop at nothing to keep Mia in his grasp. While the soundtrack of her life plays in the background, Mia is forced to distance herself from family, friends and even the love of her life in order to protect them from her hidden secrets.

Fat Kills is a must-read which will leave its audience astonished, angry and afraid. Yes, very afraid...

Open Mic Jitters

(ctt)-- note (ctt) means clearing of the throat.

(ctt) "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold. A circle is round but never ends, that's how long you should keep your friends"

Lol I had to take it back to Girl Scouts with that song. And it's very appropriate, seeing as how this blog is mostly about my editor. I was a girl scout back in the day, made it to Juniors and then I stopped. I remember in Brownies (wow that almost 20 yrs ago) we would end each meeting with the "Make new friends" song.

My editor has been my friend for as long as I can remember. We grew up together in the same neighborhood and have been friends for-ev-er. We used to go to Girl Scouts together and she is currently an assistant troop leader (sorry if I have the title wrong Tan!)

We talk everyday and this morning she suggested that I go to the Up&Up open mic with her tomorrow. I've been meaning to go for the longest and decided hey why not, especially since I have Wednesday off. Lol well come to find out, I don't have this Wednesday off for Veteran's Day (so glad my coworker let me know!) but that is neither here nor there.

In the midst of our random conversation, she and another friend of hers suggested that I read a portion of my book at open mic night. I instantly got NERVOUS and excited. I've been on this whole kick of I need to get over my stage fright these last few months. I'm gonna be a rockstar one day and I have to not be nervous singing and reading in front of folks. Lol I try to sing in the Metro and in front of friends but I still get the jitters.

What's crazy is that I get ridiculously nervous but I always get it together and sound on point once I'm in front of people. Case in point, I delivered a bangin (if I do say so myself) speech at one of my best friend's wedding back in June. I was so freakin nervous but I got up there and killed it.

Hopefully I will be able to do the same tomorrow night. Lol I told Tan I will be at the bar getting comfy with my liquid courage until she arrives.

She is truly the best and I love her so much!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspired & Having a Moment

Listening to Donnie McClurkin's Stand. Having a serious moment at my desk at work. Makes me think about everything I've been through, everything my parents are going through. Sometimes I feel like I'm not going to be able to do this. I feel so overwhelmed with publishing and all of my other he's hitting the praaayed you cried part... prayed and cried you prayed and cried. prayed and cried.

Whooooo man...I'm so grateful for all of my blessings. All I do is visualize the day when I go to the printer and pick up my first run of published books. I'm going to have a serious breakdown. A year ago this time, I didn't even know... now I'm about to be self published author. I'm finally going to be able to take care of my parents. I refuse to watch them struggle.

I'm gonna change the world. God already has it in the plans. Watch.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Foreign Exchange Concert and Chaundon

Ohhhhmiiggiiyaaahd it was so dope. I sung my heart out, almost passed out from the heat and wasn't a puss for once and passed out samples of my book. I met one of the nicest people ever, Chaundon: check out his blog and his latest album. He is so dope and encouraged me like nobodys business.

I'm grinding like shit. Self-publishing is no joke. I thank God so much for my talent and I'm not complaining at all. I will work my fingers to the bone for this. I've already been on my eff sleep shit for the past 4 months. I will rest when I am FOCC.

I'm still sad about my godbrother. Man, mourning is hard but I know he's smiling and so proud of me. Trying to get it together and finish a few projects but it is hard to write comedic shit when you're sad as hell (sighs galore).

On a brighter note, I kicked it with my mom and dad this weekend and that was the most uplifting ish ever. My parents are so supportive. My dad can't wait to start slingin books on the streets (lol his words, that man is comedy). I showed my mom some of the things I had to compile and she was shocked that it was so involved. She can't wait to get her hustle on too. I love them :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Foreign Exchange, There Will Be Blood, Radiohead

First of all, The Foreign Exchange is coming to DC next Sunday and I just copped my tics. I am very pressed and hype (I just said the same thing on my personal facebook page and my fan facebook page). They are the effin and I can't wait to see them let Phonte serenade me. I hope he hits my fav jam , and this one too , and I hope he and Yazarah hit another fav which happens to be a Stevie Wonder original .

Anyways, I had to drive to work today and was brainstorming per usual. I thought about the movie There Will Be Blood. I just saw it for the first time last weekend and I fell in love with Daniel Day Lewis all over again. He has had classic roles in some of my favorite movies: The Crucible ("I have given you my soul, leave me my name!") and The Last of The Mohicans. He was effffffffing incredible and the movie was I'm at a loss for words. I loved it and I'm going to watch it again tonight. I like period pieces and I admire DDL because he's a method actor. FYI, a method actor is someone who completely takes on the character during filming. You have to refer to him as the character during the entire production process and you don't get to speak with "Daniel" until production has wrapped. That shit is tight as hell.

The music was on point too. I did some research and come to find out, Jonny Greenwood composed the score for There Will Be Blood. Jonny Greenwood is a member of Radiohead, one of the tightest bands ever in life.

All of this thinking in the car made me turn on my sole Radiohead album, OK Computer ,and blast Paranoid Android. The beat on this song is so vicious. I've really been on beats for the last few months. I am going to learn how to produce my own music and put out an album next year. In a few years I want to turn my book into a movie. I've already started the screenplay. I just have to go to film school so I can direct my own shit. People laugh when I say I'm gonna be on Tyler Perry status but I'm so serious. God blessed me with the most ridiculous talent ever and I'm not gonna limit myself. I was talking to someone yesterday and he said that as adults we need to go back to the kid mentality. When you were a kid, you tried whatever, didn't give an eff if you failed. As adults, we can be so stuck in our ways. Not me :) I am on kindergarten status from now on.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"So Now I Gotta Go and Do It EXTRA HARD" Metro Chronicles Part 1 of (fill in the blank)

Today's post refers to one of my favorite Little Brother Jams, Extra Hard (I am looking for the youtube version as I type this, imeem didn't have it and I can't upload it right now)

So today I started passing out samples of my book on the train. Lol I only passed out 4. Yep, Ms. Social Butterfly who stays screaming "I'm gonna hustle my shit so hard on the train" got nervous as hell and clammed up. I know why I did but it's still funny to me because I am such a social person.

Like really, I am the one who will sit and converse with a complete stranger for an hour like we're old friends. When I go out, I'm always the one who approaches whoever and will randomly talk to bartenders, bouncers, sexy men ;), etc.

My novel is something different though. I totally believe that my novel is off the chain and so many of my friends have already said the same (lol they have also given the "i promise I'm not saying this because I'm you friend" preface). I just get so nervous and am just afraid that people won't like it. I'm getting over it though. I'm gonna listen to that Little Brother track this afternoon when I get off and pass my sample out like crazy on the yellow and blue lines. I feel like I need to pass out 100 copies a day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

R.I.P. Morrie

I am beyond depressed. My godbrother Morris Smalls III "Morrie" passed away on Saturday. He had been battling cancer for a while. I can't believe he's gone. I miss him so much. He was such a funny, sweet person and he was so smart. We used to joke each other all the time about the Real HU (he graduated from Hampton and I graduated from Howard). His favorite movie was School of Rock and he loved Family Guy.

I credit him with my nickname K.Reid. He was the first person to start calling me by that name and for a while, he was the only one I allowed to call me that name. When I decided I was going to venture out and become an artist, I thought about potential stage names for the longest and one day Morrie's voice popped into my head. I loved when he called me K.Reid. Made me sound so cool...

He was only 34. I know it's God's will and I'm glad he's not suffering anymore but I miss him so much. I can't stop crying. I just wish he was here. He was so young and so full of life. I can't even write anymore.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Printer Specs

Not too much to say today. I'm busy planning Transcend.'s first party scheduled for this Saturday 10/3. I'm in serious overdrive mode, trying my hardest to make sure we only have to pick up the tables and chairs on Saturday. Everything else will be done before then. I'm seriously thinking about taking up painting as a habit. I was spray painting some stuff for the party last Sunday and I swear it was the most theraputic shit ever in life.

I'm supposed to speak with a printer today so I can get pricing info. I'm so blessed to have the tightest typesetter ever in life. She just took the form from me and said she would handle finding the information for me. She has a good friend who will hook me up with more info. Man, the biggest shoutout to God right now. He stays opening all types of doors and windows for me.

I'm in such a blah mood. Maybe I'll feel like writing more after this party...

Song of the day is Maxwell's Bad Habits. I can't wait to see him live one of these days. I just don't have the funds to make that dream a reality just yet. Please buy my book guys. I am trying to be a recession survivor, not a casualty...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I Want Pre-Nup...Yep, I Said It!!!

About an hour ago I was on facebook looking at random pages and decided to update my status based on  a convo I had with my business partner yesterday evening. My status currently reads: "I don't see anything wrong with a prenup. i'm not getting married without one."

Yes I said it and I'll say it again. I'm NOT getting married without a prenup. People responded with the usual, "well if you're not sure/don't trust your future spouse then why would you get married in the first place?" I'll gladly answer that question in detail here on the blog.

Let me first start by saying, your girl K.Reid is not pressed to get married at all. I'm so content living the single life it's not funny. My mom is slightly blown that I'm not pressed to get married and see nothing wrong with having a kid at 40. If I do decide to settle down in the future, we're having that discussion...matter of fact, I'll bring the shit up if we start seriously dating so there's no shock down the line if we decide to get married. To me, not having a prenup is like buying a house without homeowners insurance. I mean you hope a tornado, flood, fire, etc. doesn't happen but you still get the insurance just in case.

Marriage is the same to me. Don't get me wrong. I think marriage is sacred. My parents have been married for almost 40 years and I pray that I find someone that I can spend 40 years with but I'm not going into thinking it's a freakin fairytale and we'll be together forever. Man shit happens, people change and you can't predict emotions at all.

As an artist and as an entrepreneur, I can't take that risk. My business partner and I both agreed that we will both have our potential spouses sign some sort of agreement saying they can't touch any of Transcend.'s profits. It's not fair to either one of us if our respective marriages don't work out and either one of our ex's demands half. To take it further, as an artist I'll be damned if I pay anyone I marry a portion of the profits from anything I write.

Smokey from Friday said it best "you didn't put in on this maaaaan!" Do you know how effin hard/consuming/draining it is to write a novel, screenplay, cartoon (I started writing a cartoon the other day :) this will be discussed in another post)??? It's hard as hell man. I'm not working my ass off on something completely by myself to get married in 5-10 years and the shit possibly not work out, only to have a judge tell me my ex gets a portion of money I made long before we were together.

Hell to the naw man. It' ain't happenin. For the record, I think it's wrong on both ends if a man or a woman does it. I feel bad for male artists that have to give up half...half though, the wife can't just get 5-10% for the kids? I do think there are exceptions too, like if I had a man that was with me when I didn't have shit to my name, supported me like nobodys business, was out there on the street with me hustling my books, doing everything to help me before I blow up...that's different. I will gladly break him off if things don't work out.

However, seeing as how I'm going to be single until the day I blow up and long after, I'm not payin shit and my future husband is signing a prenup. End of story.

Shout out to Kanye for providing the inspiration.

Friday, September 18, 2009


My roomie and I were having a conversation the other night and I was telling her how I wrote the entry the other day asking men to beat it. I'm explained that I'm in eff it mode and how I don't feel like I have to explain myself to anyone, especially a man. Sidenote: the woman I am today is nothing like the woman I was 4 months ago (actually lets take it back to age 14- four months ago...12 loooong years). I used to bend over backwards for men and always accommodate. Sadly, I didn't realize how much of a catch I was and always felt like it would be the end of the world if my man and I broke up...ummm...yeah I'm going to stop here because this could go on for days and really needs to be explored on someone's couch, not my blog.

An-ty-ways, my roomie listened to me vent and summed up my mood in one word: nesting. For those of you who don't know, the nesting period is the time right before a woman has a baby. She kind of withdraws from everyone and is completely engrossed in creating the space for the baby in her home. My roomie explained to me that I've already gotten preggers (i.e. wrote the book) and the editing phase I'm in now is my nesting period.

Makes total sense to me :) I can't wait for everyone to read my baby Fat Kills.

Lol sorry sidenote: does anyone remember that show Empty Nest? I soooo had a crush on Dr. Weston ran-dom-i-know! I think I loved the show so much because it was a spinoff of the greatest show in life... GOLDEN GIRLS... yes I know the theme song, down to the instrumental interludes, down to Blanche's shoulder shimmy. And yes I get hype whenever they do the breakdown verse twice and equally pissed if they don't do the breakdown at all. Finally, yes I watch it on Oxygen, Hallmark, Lifetime, and WeTV. Don't worry Golden Girls fans, I will dedicate an entire post to my love of Blanche, Rose, Dorothy and and Stan's ass with that damn hair piece!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Beat It

Yes, the title of today's blog is a classic MJ (RIP Michael...I am still crying on the inside) hit but it is my common response to things in life, particularily MEN.

So, as an author and aspiring business mogul, I run into all types of men. I'm a born networker so I rarely give men the cold shoulder, especially when there is a potential business link in the future. However, I am sooooooooooo tired of men trying to push me into a "relationship."

Quotes around the relationship because men will say "oh I understand you don't want a man" but will effin turn around and blow my cell up, call me baby (since when was I your damn baby???) and try to make themselves a regular (daily/weekly) fixture in my schedule.

It's irritating because I make it a point to tell men from JUMP that I am not girlfriend material b/c I am
  1. On the most serious grind ever in life
  2. Realize that my free time is steadily dwindling. As time progresses, I will become even more busy and I don't see this ending for at least the next 2 years
Like jeez, I love to kick it and hang out but please don't confuse that for me actually liking your ass. Please don't think I'm interested in a relationship, ESPECIALLY when I tell you from jump that I'm not looking for that at all.

I do realize I am not ugly at all (praise the Lord my momma is a fox! My daddy is a cutie too but I look exactly like her so she gets the credit). I also know that my entrepreneurial spirit will entrance a mofo quickly. Most men I meet love the fact that I'm on the grind and I honestly feel like some (not all) realize that I'm about to make that $$ and think they can latch on and hop on board my train to successville.

Sorry but it ain't gon hap'n cap'n. I am not the one so please don't play yourself. Besides, I already have my eye on a certain Trey Songz and as SOON as I blow up, I'm going to find my man! Oh my giiiyaaahd take a look at my boo back when he had braids (he is equally as fine, if not finer with the Caesar):

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Breakin' Out That Fine Toothed Comma Comb

So I'm currently in the editing phase of my book and that ish is no joke. I wrote my novel off the top of my head (i used a simple outline for the chapters and picked out the corresponding songs and went from there). As a result, the editing is quite vicious. I didn't read my entire novel until I went through the first round of edits. Speaking of edits, here is a breakdown of the editing cycle:
  1. I did a quick edit to fill in any gaps but didn't really focus on grammar
  2. My best friend does an edit to make sure the story is coherent ( I allllllll love him!). He is very intelligent (Princeton U grad 05) but doesn't like to read fiction. I actually ran the entire story idea by him before I even started writing just to make sure it made sense.
  3. I make his changes and send it to one of my other besties and she gets down with the grammar. Her eyes are so precious.
  4. I look over her final version and send it to the typesetter (who is the
  5. Once everything has been typeset, I will go visit my best friend and we will spend the weekend giving it a final look through.
This ish is consuming but I'm really proud of everything. It's crazy that I'm so close to publishing and I'm really trying to relish and document every moment. Lol my best friend is a fool. He emailed me the other day and said he would have my edits to me as soon as he went through the proof with his "fine toothed comma comb." Although I used to work as a copy editor and have my degree in Print Journalism, I HATE using commas. I probably only used 5 the entire novel...I know it's shameful lol.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Put my city on the mizzap!

Young! Wale is performing on the Video Music Awards!!!! This means so much to me as an aspiring Metro artist. It's about time they started peepin our skills and givin it that national eye. I can't wait until I see a go-go performance on the awards. I don't mean the go-go band performing as a backup band.  I mean an actual go-go band performing the whole time. I would go so freakin craaaaaaaazy if UCB performed.

Wow they actually hit another one of my classics...  Sexy Lady

I'ma come git you on Saturday
Ima pick you up on saturday
Maybe you can gimmie some whatsaname!!!!!

But yeah lol I love my uuuuuuurrrrreaaahhh (area)!

And shoutout to Beyonce for letting Taylor finish her speech :) That was cool as hell.
Aight I'm out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Random Thoughts

So my event planning company, Transcend. Event Management & Consulting is planning an upcoming event in a few weeks. My business partner and I are on our grind, trying our hardest to take the DMV by storm. Transcend. is the greatest, especially at this point in my self publishing adventure. I really need a breather from my book these days and Transcend. provides that breath of fresh air.

Some days I want to scream and pull my hair out. Editing is no joke, no bull. We're making quick moves (shoutout to my boos j.R. and Tan) but it's still time consuming. On top of that, I have to handle all types of admin ish for my book, like the website.

My webdesigner is the greatest! We're both trying to get our entrepreneurial grind on and I don't know what I would do without her. I spent a nice portion of my day talking to the folks at paypal so I can finally get my shopping cart set up on the site. The dude was very helpful and I made sure to send his manager a follow up email, saying how he was really helpful. Sidenote: am I the only one that does this anymore? It's so easy to complain but even easier to compliment a service rep. I'm gonna send him a copy of my book when I publish too.

Anyways, I'm feeling overwhelmed as usual but I'm trying to keep a smile at all times. Every time I think about complaing, I reflect on all of my blessings. A year ago, I was drifting through life, no purpose, no real goals, nothing. Now, I'm building an empire. I really thank God for blessing me with my novel, my event planning business, my friends, and business associates.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Is this love, is this love, is this love, is this love that I'm sure is :)

I feel like the random feature on my iPod isn't so random when it comes to my life. This morning, I got off the rain and headed for work and Bob Marley and the Wailers' "Is This Love" started to play. I was so caught off guard, that I stood at the crosswalk for a minute, even as the blinker signaled that it was cool for me to cross the street.

Today marks what would've been me and my ex's one year anniversary. "Is This Love" was one of our top 3 songs. I'm not angry or bitter. Just a little sad because that one song brought back so many memories. I can't fake and say that I don't miss him because I do. On the flip, I'm glad things worked out the way that they did.

When we first met, I was an average, 9-5 come home and chill kind of girl. Months later, I evolved into a focused writer and entrepreneur. Before, I had all the time in the world and, out of nowhere, I needed space so I could write in peace. My schedule wasn't so open, I wasn't as available, and that put a strain on our relationship. I was so determined to do something with my life. I was tired of getting paid a portion of what I was worth. I was tired of the same shit, different day mentality.

My ex wasn't so open to change and, again, that ultimately destroyed the relationship. I don't say this to blast him or talk shit. I still care for him a lot and wish that I could talk to him every now and then without the animosity.

Being an artist is a crazy thing becuase you become consumed in your work. I used to lock myself in my room for 8-12 hours every weekend and work on my book non-stop. I would get lost in the moment, completely oblivious of the time. I loved (and still love) being in my own world, crafting characters and situations. As an artist, that shit is awesome, as a partner in a relationship, it's not cool at all. After this experience, I do know that I won't be in a "relationship" for the next two years at least. I'm too involved in my own world. I can barely date now because I don't return calls, and see nothing wrong with going weeks without contact. It's nothing personal directed towards the other person, I'm just on my grind. I'm not only a novelist, I'm an entrepreneur (Transcend. is about to take DMV over!), a screenwriter, an aspiring actress and dancer, a songwriter and singer, and I'm going to start bass lessons in a few months. Whew, I have a lot going on!

My projects are my boo now. I can always get married at 35 and have a kid or two by 40, Lord willing.  I can't fake, I miss the companionship but eff that, I have so much to I feel like Will Ferrell in Step Brothers. Now that I'm free, I can do so many activities lol

I'm off to kick it with the fam this Labor Day weekend.

Happy Birthday Loren and Stacey!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gimmie the bridge now...

This post is overdue but hey man, I'm editing like crazy and dealing with life. For the first time in months, the motivation is at an all time low. I'm so used to being an inspiration and encouraging everyone I meet. The last few days have been shitty though. But it is what it is. I can't dwell on it. I especially can't dwell after watching one of the tightest documentaries ever in life. "The Nine Lives of Marion Barry." So many emotions ran through me as I watched...

  • Anger-because I had no clue that he was a such a transformational figure; prior to this documentary, my memories consisted of a. everyone saying he was the greatest Mayor ever and b. a grainy FBI tape of him smoking crack
  • Disappointment-He was on his way to becoming the next MLK back in the day prior to the drug charge.
  • Pride-because he LITERALLY transformed the DC area. He is the reason that the Metro area has the largest affluent black class in America. He opened the doors of the government and black folks have been chillin there with the bomb benefits ever since.
I was blown away at his civil rights participation and his education. Not that I thought he wasn't educated but Mayor Barry was well on his way to becoming a doctor prior to his foray into politics. He dropped out of his Ph.D program to join the civil rights movement!

The documentary was tight as hell and I felt so inspired and motivated after watching it. I'm not judging that man for being on the junk. Coke and crack are hard as hell to quit. Not saying it was right for him to be on the junk and run a city but hey man, there are plenty of people running corporations and holding political offices that are on prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are just as bad, if not worse than the illegal drugs. And actually, "illegal" drugs are legal as hell. If they aren't legal, how do they get into our country so easily? Might as well legalize all the shit and let the sales boost our raggedy ass economy.

I'm digressing though... I just want to say I love Marion Barry for pulling a Michael Jackson and "being that man in the mirror." I'm not going to walk around feeling sorry for myself. I gotta make major moves like my man Marion "Mayor for Life" Barry.

Gimmie the bridge ya'll! You know they featured the quintessential gogo classic, Bustin Loose by Chuck Brown. Happy Belated B-Day Chuck!

Friday, August 7, 2009

"I'm on my grind, all the time"

So this morning I was on the train reading a "Start Your Own Self-Publishing Business" book and listening to my iPod on random. First, the book is off the chain. I'm nervous about the self-publishing experience but I have complete faith that everything is going to work out, especially since I have a book chock full of self-publishing tips and a grip of friends that are down for my cause. Second, my iPod is my boo and I love how the random feature will find all types of songs I've forgotten about.

As I swiped my fare card at the terminal, one of my Rick Ross (Rawse) classics, "On My Grind" blared through my earphones.

"On My Grind" used to get constant play about a year ago when I was "on my grind" trying to find a new job. Now it has a totally different meaning as I am "on my grind" as a first time author and self-publisher. I walked up the street towards my job, and thought about Ricky Rawse and how that song and how his experiences as a former C.O. turned rapper parallel my experiences as a corporate girl turned artist/entrepreneur.

I used to hate on Rawse for being a former C.O., not because he was a C.O. (i think that is an admirable, thankless job) but because he lied about it. It's not just Rawse though, on principle it bothers me that damn near every rapper is a former/fake "hustler." I know the labels like that shit and it pays the bills to talk about drugs but as Phote says, "there's gotta be more to this generation than drinkin and smokin all they weed up"

However, when I think about it, Rick Ross and I aren't so different. We're both "on our grind all the time." We both saw an opportunity and seized it. When I first decided to write my book, people asked "oh are you gonna do an urban fiction or erotica?" I was taken aback but when I thought about it, that's the main avenue for most young black writers.

I decided to take the road less traveled and do a horror story set in the suburbs. Why? Because 1. I'm suburban like shiiii. I don't know anything about hustlin on the block and 2. I LOVE horror films. Am I a punk and hide my face in my date's arm at the movies? Lol yes but I still love the suspense and gore. I'm always amazed what constitutes as a Rated R movie theses days. I know when I was younger, freakin Hostel 2 and The Last House on the Left would've been considered NC-17. But, the ratings system and what our kids view on basic cable these days is another story (better yet thesis) for another day.
Rick Ross decided to bank on an option that has worked for years: rap lyrics about hustling+bling+hot ass beats= $$$... hey man I can't hate on that one. Gangsta rap does pay the freakin bills. You may not agree with the message but you cannot knock the hustle.

  • Should Rick Ross write positive lyrics and beat it with his constant mantra of "I'm so great cause I (used to) sell drugs? Maybe.
  • Does he have the right to rap about whatever is on his mind? Absolutely.

 The same thoughts came to mind when I decided to write a horror.
  • Should I write something uplifting and positive sans graphic violence? Maybe.
  • Should I write whatever the eff I want to write and make it entertaining as hell? Absolutely.

That's the point though, it's entertainment. People who take this stuff literally need to pop a Valium and chill out. If your kids take it literally then as a parent, you need to be smacked for letting your kid listen to/watch/read matter that is too mature for their young eyes. I have a strong feeling that people will blast my book for it's violence and gore but I really don't give an eff. I'm following my dream and I don't have time to worry about what people think. There is so much more to my book than the horror aspect and I hope people will realize this long after I publish.

That's all for now. I was a little long winded with this one but it's my first blog :)
