Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blower that I'm gonna be successful and the planet is burning

Ok it is the middle of effing November and it's been between 60 and 65 degrees all week. Ummm why don't I have out my thick winter coat yet???


People keep trying to brush that shit under the rug like it's nothing. Like it's a myth. WTF.

Really irritates me that the decision makers in this country are completely tied into corporate interests. Congress irritates me too. Republicans AND Democrats. I see why the Independents are building up steam.  All I know is that I'm gonna be pissed when I am finally uber successful and the world is on 2012 status.

Much Love to My New York Fam

Soooo I was editing my book about 2 weeks ago and came across a portion where the main character (Mia) is teaching another character (Mikey) about the slang we use in the Metro area. In the midst of the dialogue, Mikey says something like "yeah son" and Mia replies "we don't say that bamma ass shit down here."

I kept thinking about it and decided to blog about it just in case people try to give me the side eye in the future.

1. I love New Yorkers. I think they have a bangin accent and the men are sooooooooooo sexy! Yum!


2. I actually say son all the time, as in "whaddup son" Lol my girl E.L. always says "whaddup son don dizzle." It is the most random ish ever but I swear I crack up laughing every time she says it.

3. It's fiction.

Hope this will suffice if anyone is angry. If not, beat it son!

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Synopsis Struggle

I never realized how hard it was to write a freakin' synopsis. It's serious business (lol in the Mr. John voice-shoutout to my calculus teacher at Suitland High).

It's what pulls people in you know? I need it to be on point, so people will read it and be like "damn let me read this cause I gotta know what happens next." The cover is already gonna entrance folks (shoutout to A.T. Yancey the tightest artist I know) and the playlists I include in the book are gonna pull people too. I've never seen anyone with playlists like mine in a novel. On top of that, I'm creating all the playlists on so people can actually hear the music I mention...

Sorry to toot my own horn but that last idea is incredible. Music with a book? Classic in the making :) People are gonna try to duplicate but their shit will never be as tight as mine. My daddy used to be a DJ so the music is in my veins.

On top of that I touch on 2 social issues- obesity and the recession. People damn sure identify with that- half of this country is obese and the recession is on everyone's mind...eff the mind, that thang is raping pockets and snatching liveliehoods left and right. Finally I add crazy gore and violence, plenty of drama (I grew up watching Lifetime with my mom EVERY Saturday), and some comedy because I am silly as hell.

There's so much going on that it's impossible for me to write the synopsis. That thing will be 8 pages lol. People ask me all the time what my novel is about and I've learned to give them the quick "it's about a struggling singer, forced to work for a serial killer. It's set in the Metro area. I put playlists in the book, go make an account on so you can listen."

It is now complete...


Mia Nickole Rose is a beautiful, full-figured, witty, aspiring songstress who feels “stuck” in her average, ordinary life. As a struggling artist in Washington D.C.’s metropolitan area, desperate to make ends meet, Mia gets caught up in the game when she is invited to a party that she will never forget. She is offered an ultimatum and, in exchange for her life, she takes on a job working for a serial killer hell bent on vengeance. Mia's struggles with her weight/self-esteem and finances become minute, while she focuses to stay alive, sane and unharmed.

Mia's average life horrifyingly spirals out of control deep into a world of insanity and murder. Her new "employer" will stop at nothing to keep Mia in his grasp. While the soundtrack of her life plays in the background, Mia is forced to distance herself from family, friends and even the love of her life in order to protect them from her hidden secrets.

Fat Kills is a must-read which will leave its audience astonished, angry and afraid. Yes, very afraid...

Open Mic Jitters

(ctt)-- note (ctt) means clearing of the throat.

(ctt) "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold. A circle is round but never ends, that's how long you should keep your friends"

Lol I had to take it back to Girl Scouts with that song. And it's very appropriate, seeing as how this blog is mostly about my editor. I was a girl scout back in the day, made it to Juniors and then I stopped. I remember in Brownies (wow that almost 20 yrs ago) we would end each meeting with the "Make new friends" song.

My editor has been my friend for as long as I can remember. We grew up together in the same neighborhood and have been friends for-ev-er. We used to go to Girl Scouts together and she is currently an assistant troop leader (sorry if I have the title wrong Tan!)

We talk everyday and this morning she suggested that I go to the Up&Up open mic with her tomorrow. I've been meaning to go for the longest and decided hey why not, especially since I have Wednesday off. Lol well come to find out, I don't have this Wednesday off for Veteran's Day (so glad my coworker let me know!) but that is neither here nor there.

In the midst of our random conversation, she and another friend of hers suggested that I read a portion of my book at open mic night. I instantly got NERVOUS and excited. I've been on this whole kick of I need to get over my stage fright these last few months. I'm gonna be a rockstar one day and I have to not be nervous singing and reading in front of folks. Lol I try to sing in the Metro and in front of friends but I still get the jitters.

What's crazy is that I get ridiculously nervous but I always get it together and sound on point once I'm in front of people. Case in point, I delivered a bangin (if I do say so myself) speech at one of my best friend's wedding back in June. I was so freakin nervous but I got up there and killed it.

Hopefully I will be able to do the same tomorrow night. Lol I told Tan I will be at the bar getting comfy with my liquid courage until she arrives.

She is truly the best and I love her so much!