Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blower that I'm gonna be successful and the planet is burning

Ok it is the middle of effing November and it's been between 60 and 65 degrees all week. Ummm why don't I have out my thick winter coat yet???


People keep trying to brush that shit under the rug like it's nothing. Like it's a myth. WTF.

Really irritates me that the decision makers in this country are completely tied into corporate interests. Congress irritates me too. Republicans AND Democrats. I see why the Independents are building up steam.  All I know is that I'm gonna be pissed when I am finally uber successful and the world is on 2012 status.

Much Love to My New York Fam

Soooo I was editing my book about 2 weeks ago and came across a portion where the main character (Mia) is teaching another character (Mikey) about the slang we use in the Metro area. In the midst of the dialogue, Mikey says something like "yeah son" and Mia replies "we don't say that bamma ass shit down here."

I kept thinking about it and decided to blog about it just in case people try to give me the side eye in the future.

1. I love New Yorkers. I think they have a bangin accent and the men are sooooooooooo sexy! Yum!


2. I actually say son all the time, as in "whaddup son" Lol my girl E.L. always says "whaddup son don dizzle." It is the most random ish ever but I swear I crack up laughing every time she says it.

3. It's fiction.

Hope this will suffice if anyone is angry. If not, beat it son!