Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Printer Specs

Not too much to say today. I'm busy planning Transcend.'s first party scheduled for this Saturday 10/3. I'm in serious overdrive mode, trying my hardest to make sure we only have to pick up the tables and chairs on Saturday. Everything else will be done before then. I'm seriously thinking about taking up painting as a habit. I was spray painting some stuff for the party last Sunday and I swear it was the most theraputic shit ever in life.

I'm supposed to speak with a printer today so I can get pricing info. I'm so blessed to have the tightest typesetter ever in life. She just took the form from me and said she would handle finding the information for me. She has a good friend who will hook me up with more info. Man, the biggest shoutout to God right now. He stays opening all types of doors and windows for me.

I'm in such a blah mood. Maybe I'll feel like writing more after this party...

Song of the day is Maxwell's Bad Habits. I can't wait to see him live one of these days. I just don't have the funds to make that dream a reality just yet. Please buy my book guys. I am trying to be a recession survivor, not a casualty...